Seek the Face of the Lord Always
“Seek the Face of the Lord Always”
Elder Bruce R. McConkie
of the Quorum of the Twelve
(excerpts from The Promised Messiah, Chapter 31, p.575-595)
“If we keep the commandments and are true and faithful in all things, we shall inherit eternal life in our Father’s kingdom. Those who attain this high state of glory and exaltation shall dwell in the presence of God. They shall see his face and converse with him mouth to mouth. They shall know him in the full sense of the word because they have become like him. And all who are now living those laws to the full which will enable them to go where God and Christ are, and there enjoy eternal association with them—that is, all those who are now living in its entirety the law of the celestial kingdom—are already qualified to see the Lord. The attainment of such a state of righteousness and perfection is the object and end toward which all of the Lord’s people are striving. We seek to see the face of the Lord while we yet dwell in mortality, and we seek to dwell with him everlastingly in the eternal kingdoms that are prepared.”
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