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There is yet in the hearts of our people a spirit of selfishness.

There is yet in the hearts of our people, although the reformation has done a great work, a spirit of selfishness. We have got to divest ourselves of this principle; we have got to become so perfectly stripped of it that we will love the Lord our God with all our hearts and our neighbors as ourselves, Matt. 22:37-39 that our hearts will not be set upon our own property or upon the property of others, so as to covet the things that pertain to this world, and that, with our whole soul, mind, and strength, 2 Ne. 25:29 we will desire to serve the Lord our God—that we would just as soon set fire to our own dwellings, sacrifice our property, and flee into the [p. 367a]mountains, to dwell there in dens, caves, and holes, as did the ancients, Heb. 11:38 as dwell in palaces and enjoy the soft raiment of kings. Matt. 11:8
George A. Smith

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