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Blessings sought through prayer sometimes require work, effort, and diligence on our part.

Jeremiah counsels us to pray with all our heart and soul.8 [See Jer. 29:13 Enos recounted how his soul had hungered and that he had prayed all the day long.9 [See Enos 1:4 Prayers vary in their intensity. Even the Savior “prayed more earnestly” in His hour of agony.10 Luke 22:44 Some are simple expressions of appreciation and requests for a continuation of blessings on our loved ones and us. However, in times of great personal hurt or need, more may be required than mere asking. The Lord said, “You have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought save it was to ask me.”11 D&C 9:7 Blessings sought through prayer sometimes require work, effort, and diligence on our part.
Author: President James E. Faust
Source: The Lifeline of Prayer

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