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We shall only be rewarded for the labor we perform.

I know that God will reward me according to my works; for the Scriptures say each one shall have his penny. You must understand, however, that that is only bounty money, and the wages will be according to a man’s works. It is the man who sticks to the army—who fights the good fight of faith, that will get the reward. We have all enlisted under the banner of King Emanuel, and we invite all the world to join it. Some people have got an idea that the man who receives the Gospel at the eleventh hour is going to be put on an equal footing with the man that engaged in the work in the first hour of the day; but I can tell you that we shall only be rewarded for the labor we perform.
Author: Heber C. Kimball
Source: Remarks by President Heber C. Kimball, made in the Tabernacle, Great Salt Lake City, March 17, 1861. Reported By: J. V. Long.

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