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Those who are so sealed continue the family relationship eternally

========================== Type of Quote: Quotes Categories: Marriage, Celestial kingdom, Exhalation Location: Author: John A. Widtsoe ========================== To enter the highest of these degrees in the celestial kingdom is to be exalted in the kingdom of God. Such exaltation comes to those who receive the higher ordinances of the Church, such as the temple endowment, and afterwards are sealed in marriage for time and eternity, whether on earth or in the hereafter. Those who are so sealed continue the family relationship eternally. Spiritual children are begotten by them. They carry on the work of salvation for the hosts of waiting spirits. They who are so exalted become even as the gods. They will be “from everlasting to everlasting, because they continue.” [D&C; 132:20](Evidences and Reconciliations, pp. 200-01) TLDP:163-64
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