The head of the family—should never miss calling his family together and dedicating himself and them to the Lord of Hosts
The head of the family—should never miss calling his family together and dedicating himself and them to the Lord of Hosts
Type of Quote: Quotes
Categories: Parenting, Prayer
Location: Words of Joseph Smith by Joseph Smith, Andrew F. Ehat, Lyndon W. Cook :
Author: Brigham Young
President Brigham Young,quoted by John A. WidtsoeSay your prayers always before going to work. Never forget that. . . . A father—the head of the family—should never miss calling his family together and dedicating himself and them to the Lord of Hosts, asking the guidance and direction of his Holy Spirit to lead them through the day—that very day. Lead us this day, guide us this day, preserve us this day, save us from sinning against thee or any being in heaven or on earth this day If we do this every day, the last day we live we will be prepared to enjoy a higher glory. (In new Tabernacle, Aug. 9, 1868, JD12:261) DBY:44
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