Good habits are developed in the workshop of our daily lives.
Good habits are developed in the workshop of our daily lives.
“We are not born into this world with fixed habits. Neither do we inherit a noble character. Instead, we are given the privilege and opportunity of choosing which way of life we will follow-which habits we will form.
Confucius said that the nature of men is always the same. It is their habits that separate them. Good habits are not acquired simply by making good resolves, though the thought must precede the action. Good habits are developed in the workshop of our daily lives. It is not in the great moments of test and trial that character is built. That is only when it is displayed. The habits that direct our lives and form our character are fashioned in the often uneventful, commonplace routine of life. They are acquired by practice.”
~ Delbert L. Stapley ~
Categories: Motivation, Get Motivated, Habits
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