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I have been watching and waiting

I have been watching and waiting



I have come to this conclusion, which I have preached for years and years and years, and Joseph preached it up to the time of his death, that the people must leave Babylon and confusion behind them, and be the servants and handmaidens of the Lord; they must be His family. They have gathered out from Babylon, and they must prepare themselves to stand in holy places, preparatory to the coming of the Son of Man. D&C 87:8 D&C 101:22-23 I have been watching and waiting, just as steadily, and as earnestly and faithfully as ever a mother watched over an infant child, to see when this people would be ready to receive the doctrine, or the first lessons or revelations given when the Center Stake of Zion was first located to consecrate [p. 42a]their property, and be indeed the servants and handmaidens of the Lord, Joel 2:29 Acts 2:18 and labor with all their hearts to do His will and build up His kingdom on the earth; and I have never seen the time when we could organize one little society, or
one little ward; but, thank God, the time has come, the Spirit of the Lord is upon the people.

Cease to Bring in and Build up Babylon—Separate Yourselves From Sinners and From Sin—Have not Come With Any New Doctrine—We Must Be One—Without Works It Cannot Be Proved that Faith Exists—The Time Come to Organize the Saints—The Time and Energies of the Saints All that is Wanted—Geological Researches of Prof. Marsh—Scientific Demonstration of the Truth of the Book of Mormon.
Discourse by President Brigham Young, delivered in the Meetinghouse in Nephi City, Juab County, Saturday Morning, April 18, 1874.
Reported By: David W. Evans.


Categories: Zion

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